
Control-Point has three areas available to help with customer support issues: Our Forums, our Frequently Asked Questions page, and our Help Desk.


Control Point Forum provides a unique platform for forum moderators and registered clients and users to present questions and exchange answers and system information. This is a valuable resource for partners that utilize Control Point software or operate Control Point-installed operating systems. The forum will also allow registered users/clients to access files that provide system updates and operating manuals.

Frequently Asked Questions

 We have designed this section to address specific questions and topics that we are often asked by current users and prospective future customers of Control Point AV Systems. We strive to provide a clear understanding of experiences that users may encounter on topics ranging from design and installation to complete system support. The FAQs will provide information and answers that are both timely and accurate on questions ranging from the most basic situations to the most complex. In many cases, we will also offer guidance and reference to links for more technical informational sources.

Help Desk

Control Point Help Desk serves as a centralized location for the submission of technical issues that require timely responses to meet the demands of operating businesses. Quick resolution and solution by our staff will enable customers to return to business as quickly as possible and maximize productivity. The Help Desk will address issues that require an immediate response, and also perform tasks that will provide a foundation that our customers systems will function correctly at maximum efficiency